Hey guys, it’s Greg with Apple Explainedand today we’re going to take a look at these ESR True Wireless Earbuds.

They’re going for $59.99 on Amazon in blackor white, and we’ll be looking at the black model.

Now I’m a huge fan of Apples AirPods butwhen I’m in a noisy environment like the gym I want in-ear headphones that isolatemy music from outside noise.

So I was looking around for completely wirelessin-ear headphones and found these earbuds from a company called ESR.

They were actually generous enough to sponsorthis video so I could spend time giving you guys a detailed look at the experience theseearbuds deliver.

So when you order these things they’ll showup in this sleek black box, and on the front you’ll find the ESR company name and a littlepop of color at the top there.

There isn’t anything printed on the sidesof the box, and the backside features some additional information about the product likeits model number and battery capacity which is 400mAh.

You can also find ESRs contact informationhere in case you have any trouble using the product.

So the box is sealed by two pieces of tapeon either side which I’ve already broken, and the lid lifts off the same way as mostApple products.

Now once we’re inside we’re greeted bya quick-start guide that’s made from a nice frosted paper stock and helps us begin usingthese earbuds as quickly as possible.

Now there’s also a more detailed user manualthat’s included and we’ll get to that in a minute.

So right off the bat we’re presented withthe wireless earbuds themselves, along with their charging case and three sizes of softsilicon ear tips.

I like how ESR chose to package the earbudsindependent of their charging case since it gives us instant access to the product wepurchased.

Now before we look at these earbuds and theircharging case in detail, let’s see what else is in the box.

So after removing this foam insert we findwhat almost seems like a hidden compartment that contains a lot of helpful extras likethe detailed user manual I mentioned earlier, an extra set of silicon ear tips in case youlose one of the others, a quality control certificate, a power cable which charges thecase, and a small fiber carrying pouch.

As for the earbuds themselves, they have avery sleek and attractive design but the left earbud has certain capabilities that the rightdoes not.

That’s why ESR calls the left one the masterearbud, and the right one the partner earbud.

So the master earbud has a microphone thatyou’ll use for calls and it’s the only earbud that’ll play audio during a call,so don’t be surprised when the right earbud goes silent.

ESR said the reason for this is because audiofrom a phone call is in mono rather than stereo, although AirPods don’t have this issue soI’m not sure what’s going on there.

But both earbuds have a large multifunctionbutton on the outside that does a whole lot of things like controlling music and answercalls, but like most third party earbuds one thing it doesn’t do is activate Siri.

Something else you’ll find on these earbudsis a built-in LED indicator that flashes blue and green while pairing and shines a solidgreen while charging inside their case.

And you’ll know the earbuds are fully chargedwhen their LED lights turn off.

You can also see the electronic contacts onthe other side of the earbuds and those automatically connect with two charging pins when droppedin their case.

And I want to mention that just like the AirPods,these earbuds cannot be charged individually.

So don’t lose the case or else your earbudswill become useless.

Now the last thing I want to point out onthese earbuds are the symbols they use to distinguish between left and right.

The left earbud is marked with a black L insidea white shape, while the right earbud is marked with a white R inside of a black shape.

This color contrast really helped me figureout the correct earbud orientation without becoming frustrating.

I should also mention that the symbols arelocated on the outside of each earbud which means they won’t begin to fade like theydid on my AirPods, since they won’t come into contact with your skin.

Now let’s take about the charging case.

It has a smooth aluminum finish with plasticcaps on the top and bottom, along with a narrow opening here that actually allows you to monitorthe earbuds LED lights so you know when they’re fully charged.

On top we have a mini-USB charging port andthe usual regulatory approvals on the back.

Now this is the first time I’ve seen a pairof wireless earbuds use a cylindrical case but I actually like the design for a few reasons.

It fits really comfortably in my pocket sincethere isn’t any edges jabbing into my thigh like what usually happens with rectangularcases.

I also like how it sits upright on my deskand I think the way it opens is pretty cool.

So around the top of the case we can findtwo little finger scoops and we’ll use those to grip the top and slide it out.

It’s a very smooth action that feels satisfyingand quite solid which came as a surprise considering the affordable price of these things.

Now taking the earbuds out of their case ispretty effortless especially compared to the first time I tried taking the AirPods outof their case.

And just like the AirPods this charging caseholds the earbuds in magnetically which makes the experience of inserting and removing themvery easy and satisfying.

So I mentioned the mini-USB port on top butthere’s also a hidden LED that appears when the case is charging and disappears once it’sfully charged.

Now lets go through the process of settingup these earbuds and pairing them to a device.

When you open the box for the first time theearbuds may not have much power, so the first thing you’ll want to do is put them insidethe case and give them some time to charge up.

I have an iPhone 7 here but these are bluetoothearbuds which means they’re compatible with any bluetooth enabled device.

So once the earbuds have some power, go aheadand take them out of the case.

Once removed, they’ll automatically pairwith each other and enter bluetooth pairing mode to be discovered by a device.

At this point you should see ESR T1 appearin your bluetooth settings and tapping it will connect the earbuds.

This setup process is unbelievably simpleconsidering we’re dealing with two separate earbuds that have to keep in sync with eachother as well as stay connected to a device.

I’ve had to set up similar bluetooth earphonesthat have about five different steps just to synchronize the left and right earbud correctly.

So I really appreciate how automated and straightforwardthe process is with these.

Now putting them in your ears is pretty easy,although I put them in upside down the first time I tried.

Just keep in mind that the body of the earbudshould be pointing up towards the top of your head and after a couple twists the earpieceshould fit in nice and snug.

Now both earbuds are fitted with a medium-sizedsilicon ear tip by default, but you should experiment with the other ear tips that areincluded since a smaller or larger size might feel more comfortable in your ear.

So now that we’ve paired these things withour device and got them nice and comfortable in our ears, it’s time to play some musicand hear how they sound.

I’m going to hold these earbuds as closeto the microphone as possible and blast some music, but keep in mind that these are in-earheadphones so this audio clip won’t do it much justice at all. [audio] So that clip may not have sounded like much,but these earbuds deliver some impressive sound for their size and price point.

Their sound quality is much better than AirPodsand the noise isolation is a game changer.

I really hope Apple makes in-ear AirPods becauseit’s hard going back to them after getting used to noise-isolating earbuds like these.

If you’re not sure what noise-isolatingmeans, it’s basically what happens when you wear earplugs.

Earbuds with noise-isolation are designedto create a seal in your ear canal that prevents outside noise from leaking into your ear anddrowning out your music.

So when I’m wearing these ESR earbuds atthe gym I can hear the lows and highs of every song crystal-clear since the noisy environmentisn’t overtaking my music.

Now I didn’t experience any interruptionsor intermittent disconnections with these earbuds and that’s probably because they’reequipped with the latest bluetooth 4.2 technology which also gives it a connection range ofabout 32 feet without barriers.

And battery life hasn’t been an issue forme so far, since I’ve been using them for an hour or two at a time before putting themback in their case.

Now these do get two and a half hours of batterylife per charge and the case itself supplies three additional recharges to the earbuds.

So playing high-quality sound-isolating musicis definitely something these earbuds do well, but they fall a little short when it comesto phone calls.

And part of the reason is because of whatI mentioned earlier about call audio only playing through the left earbud.

At first I thought the right earbud was disconnectedor something, but it says in the manual that “all calls will be heard in the left earphoneonly.”

And yeah that’s kind’ve a bummer sinceit’s a bit harder to hear the person on the other end, but what makes matters worseis that the microphone is so far from your mouth that it doesn’t pick up your voiceclearly.

And that’s probably because of its pill-shapeddesign since it doesn’t have a stem pointed at your mouth like the AirPods.

When I tested this for myself I was told myvoice sounded distant and quiet on the other end.

So is it possible to use these earbuds forphone calls? Yes, it’s definitely doable.

But the experience is lacking especially whencompared to how great music playback is on these earbuds.

Now I think it’s important to take a stepback and put these earbuds in perspective.

These things are unbelievably affordable atsixty dollars, which is over two-and-a-half times cheaper than the $159 AirPods.

And if you compare both of these products,you’ll get an idea of how much value the ESR earbuds offer.

They have better sound quality than AirPods,they offer noise-isolation, they have a similar magnetic charging case that may not providethe same battery life as the AirPods, but it has more than enough power for the averageuser. And while it does have some weak points likecall quality, it can easily be overlooked because of its affordable price and greatperformance in other areas.

If you want to check out these ERS True WirelessEarbuds yourself, just click the link in the description, and that’ll take you to Amazon.

So thats it guys, I hope you enjoyed thisunboxing and review of the ESR True Wireless Earbuds, for more videos like this, don’tforget to subscribe.

Thanks for watching and I’ll see you nexttime.