Hey guys it’s Greg with Apple Explained,and today we’re going to explore the history of Mac OS X.

The first version Mac OS X was released backon March 24th 2001 and marked the death of its predecessor; Mac OS 9.

Steve Jobs actuallyheld a mock funeral for Mac OS 9 on stage during the 2002 worldwide developers conference.

[funeral clip] The release of Mac OS X began a new era for the Macintosh.

One that wasa bit… furry.

Since the title of every Mac OS X release was named after a cat.

It all started with a public beta that Applecodenamed “Kodiak.” Well, technically Mac OS X’s development goes all the wayback to NeXt, the computer company Steve Jobs founded after being forced out of Apple, butthat’s a story for another time.

Kodiak, the Mac OS X beta, was released to the publicon September 13, 2000 for $29.95.

This was a big deal for Apple since their previousattempts at a Mac OS overhaul were failures.

This release proved that Apple finally hada new, workable operating system that wasn’t just vaporware [ding! Show definition of vaporware.]

Something worth mentioning about the publicbeta is that the Apple logo you see centered on the menu bar had no functional purposeat all.

It was only there for looks.

The public beta enjoyed about six months oflife until Mac OS X Cheetah was ready to ship on March 24th, 2001.

Cheetah was the firstmajor release of Mac OS X and retailed for $129USD.

It was a huge departure from MacOS 9.

The most noticeable change was the glossy user interface Apple called Aqua.

Steve Jobsfamously said [We made the buttons on the screen look so good you'll want to lick them.]

And he wasn’t wrong.

The Aqua interface set a new standard for just how appealinga computer interface could look.

The Dock was another big change from Mac OS9.

It was a new way of organizing your applications and a welcome change from the classic Applicationlaunch menu.

The Terminal in Mac OS X allowed access to the Unix core, something that wasnever possible on previous versions of Mac OS.

Mac OS X also featured a native mail client,Address Book, and a new native word processor called TextEdit (which replaced SimpleTextin Mac OS 9.) With all the good Mac OS X brought, also camethe bad.

Thing like… missing features.

You couldn’t play DVDs or burn CDs and therewere a lot of hardware drivers missing for external devices like printers.

Mac OS X wasalso vulnerable to kernel panics which would crash the system, leaving users feeling likethe operating system wasn’t stable.

Another issue was speed.

You’d think an operatingsystem named after the fastest land mammal would be quite snappy, but It was sluggishat best and painfully slow at worst.

This was mainly due to the new Aqua interface thatfavored form over function. All the criticism of Mac OS X ultimately resultedin Apple offering users a free upgrade to the next version of the operating system;Mac OS 10.1 Puma.

This upgrade addressed many prior complaints by including an Apple DVDPlayer application, support for CD burning, and support for 200 printers out of the box.

Although version 10.1 Puma was a more efficientoperating system than its predecessor, it still received its share of criticism.

Puma’ssystem performance was deemed 'not enough' for many users to adopt Mac OS X as theirmain operating system.

And while it did contain some important improvements, many users complainedthat the leap from Cheetah to Puma was not large enough.

The user interface had barelychanged at all, and significant bugs still existed, including the kernel panics thatcaused systemwide crashes.

On August 23, 2002, Apple followed up Pumawith Mac OS 10.2 Jaguar.

It retailed for $129USD and brought much-needed performance improvements,a sleeker look, and over 150 user-interface enhancements.

It also introduced an instantmessaging client called iChat, Address Book, Inkwell for handwriting recognition, and anapple logo upon startup instead of the happy Mac icon featured in previous versions ofthe operating system.

Jaguar was generally well received by Mac users as a big step forwardin stability, speed enhancements, and compatibility; but critics of the operating system were notafraid to speak out, claiming that speed issues with the user interface existed and that,everything considered, the operating system was still a big step down from Mac OS 9.

Mac OS 10.3 Panther was released on October24, 2003.

This was the biggest update yet to Mac OS X’s user interface.

Panther retailedfor $129USD and included as many or more new features as Jaguar had the year before, includingan updated Finder, a brushed-metal interface, fast user switching, a window manager calledExposé, FileVault, Safari, iChat AV (which added videoconferencing features to iChat),improved PDF rendering, Font Book, and better Microsoft Windows compatibility.

Panther wasan important release for Apple since it served as a true first class desktop operating system.

There wasn’t much criticism surrounding this release since it addressed many of theissues in Jaguar, the previous version of the operating system.

On April 29, 2005, Panther was replaced byMac OS 10.4 Tiger and still cost users $129 to upgrade.

Tiger contained more than 200new features including a fast searching system called Spotlight, a new version of the Safariweb browser, Dashboard, and a new ‘Unified’ theme.

Mac OS X Tiger shocked executives atMicrosoft by offering features like fast file searching and improved graphics processing,features Microsoft had spent several years struggling to add to Windows with acceptableperformance.

Six weeks after its release, Apple had sold 2 million copies of Mac OSX 10.4 Tiger, representing 16% of all Mac OS X users.

Apple claimed that Tiger was themost successful Operating System release in the company's history.

At the WorldWide DevelopersConference on June 11, 2007, Apple's CEO, Steve Jobs, announced that out of the 22 millionMac OS X users, more than 67% were using Mac OS X 10.4 Tiger.

Apple announced a transition to Intel processorsduring Tiger's lifetime, making it the first operating system to work on machines withApple–Intel architecture.

The original Apple TV, released in March 2007, shipped with acustomized version of Mac OS X Tiger branded as "Apple TV OS" that replaced the desktopGUI with an updated version of Front Row.

Tiger was succeeded by Mac OS X 10.5 Leopardon October 26, 2007 after 30 months, making Tiger the longest running version of Mac OSX.

Leopard also sold for $129 and Apple calledit "the largest update to Mac OS X".

It brought more than 300 new features including a redesignedDock, Stacks, a semitransparent menu bar, and an updated Finder that incorporates theCover Flow navigation interface first seen in iTunes.

Other features included supportfor writing 64-bit graphical user interface applications, an automated backup utilitycalled Time Machine, support for Spotlight searches across multiple machines, and theinclusion of Front Row and Photo Booth, which were previously only included with some Macmodels.

Now, Apple has a reputation of being verypunctual, but Leopard's release was actually delayed twice! In 2005, Steve Jobs said thatLeopard would be released at the end of 2006 or early 2007.

But when the end of 2006 came,the release date was changed to Spring 2007; but when spring 2007 came, Apple said Leopard’srelease would be delayed until October 2007 because of the development of the iPhone.

Something unique about Mac OS X Leopard wasits retail packaging.

It was significantly smaller than previous versions of Mac OS Xand it sported a lenticular cover, making the roman numeral X appear to float abovea purple galaxy.

Mac OS 10.6 Snow Leopard was released on August28, 2009 and it was the first version of Mac OS X to be sold for $29 instead of the usual$129.

Because of the low price, initial sales of Snow Leopard were significantly higherthan its predecessors.

Rather than delivering big changes to appearance and functionalitylike previous releases of Mac OS X, Snow Leopard focused on "under the hood" improvements,like enhancing performance, efficiency, and stability of the operating system.

The mostnoticeable changes were increased disk space after installation due to the lighter operatingsystem, a more responsive Finder, faster Time Machine backups, more reliable and user friendlydisk ejects, improvements to the Preview application, and a faster Safari web browser.

The Mac AppStore became available in Snow leopard with the 10.6.6 update and caused a problem forMac users when Snow Leopard was replaced by Mac OS 10.7 Lion on July 20, 2011.

The issues was Apple initially didn’t sellany physical copies of Lion.

Instead, the operating system was available exclusivelyas a download from the Mac App Store for $29.99.

The only prior version of OS X that supportedthe Mac App Store was Snow Leopard, which meant any machine running Tiger or Leopardwould first have to be upgraded to Snow Leopard, as opposed to upgrading directly to Lion.

Apple remedied the situation a couple weekslater by announced a USB flash drive containing Mac OS X Lion, priced at $69, available throughthe online Apple Store on August 4, 2011.

Lion brought developments made in iOS to MacOS X, like an easily navigable display of installed applications called Launchpad, andmore multi-touch gesture use across the system.

It also featured auto-hiding scrollbars, MissionControl, full-screen applications, and system-wide autosaving.

Mac OS 10.8 Mountain Lion was released onJuly 25, 2012 following the release of Lion the previous year.

It was the first time MacOS X was updated after one year instead of the usual two years.

This allowed Mac OS Xupdates to align with the annual iOS updates.

The operating system featured Gatekeeper amalware-blocker, integration with Game Center and iCloud, and the Safari web browser wasupdated to version 6. As on iOS, Notes and Reminders became full applications separatefrom Mail and Calendar, while the iChat application was replaced with a version of iOS's Messages.

Mountain Lion also added a version of iOS's Notification Center, which groups updatesfrom different applications in one place.

Integrated links allowing the user to quicklypost content to Twitter were present in the operating system from launch.

Facebook integrationwas also planned but not available at launch, it was released as a downloadable update later.

OS X Mountain Lion received positive reviews,with critics praising Notification Center, Messages, and speed improvements over MacOS X Lion, while criticizing iCloud for unreliability and Game Center for lack of games.

MountainLion sold three million units in the first four days, and became Apple's most popularOS X release at the time.

The release of Mac OS 10.9 Mavericks on June10, 2013 was unique in a couple ways. It was the first version of Mac OS X not named aftera cat.

Instead, Apple announced they’d begin naming new versions of Mac OS X after landmarksin their home state of California.

Also, Mavericks was the first Mac operating system to be availablefor free.

And all versions after Mavericks would remain free to download.

Mac OS 10.9 Mavericks emphasized battery life,Finder improvements, other features for power users like improved external display support.

Mavericks also included deeper iCloud integration, reduced skeuomorphism, improved notificationcenter, and new apps like Maps and iBooks.

The next version of Mac OS X called Yosemitewas released on October 16, 2014.

It featured a major overhaul of the macOS user interfaceby replacing skeuomorphism with flat design and blurred translucency effects, followingthe aesthetic introduced in iOS 7.

Other design changes included new icons, a dark color scheme,and a new system typeface called Helvetica Noy-yay.

The Dock also became a 2D translucentrectangle instead of a skeuomorphic glass shelf.

Many of Yosemite's new features focused onthe theme of continuity, increasing its integration with other Apple services and platforms suchas iCloud and iOS.

The Handoff functionality allowed the operating system to integratewith iOS 8 devices over Bluetooth and Wi-Fi; and enabled Mac users to make and answer phonecalls, send and receive text messages, activate personal hotspots, or load items being workedon in a mobile app directly into MacOS.

During Yosemite’s lifetime Apple discontinuediPhoto and Aperture and replaced it with the Photos app.

This sparked some outrage amongAperture users who pointed out that Photos was not a suitable replacement for Aperturesince it didn’t contain any of the advanced features that pro users needed.

Mac OS 10.11 El Capitan was released on September30, 2015.

Similar to Mac OS 10.6 Snow Leopard, Apple said the released contained "refinementsto the Mac experience" and "improvements to system performance" rather than new features.

Refinements include public transport builtinto the Maps application, GUI improvements to the Notes application, adopting San Franciscoas the system font for clearer legibility, and the introduction of System Integrity Protection.

The Metal API, first introduced in iOS 8, was also included in El Capitan. macOS 10.12 Sierra was released to the publicon September 20, 2016.

New features included Siri, Optimized Storage, auto-unlock withthe Apple Watch, night shift, and updates to Photos, Messages, and iTunes.

During Sierra’sintroduction Apple announced they’d be changing the name of Mac OS X to macOS.

This changemade sense since it mirrored Apple’s other operating systems WatchOS, tvOS, and iOS. macOS 10.13 High Sierra was released on September 25,2017 and focused on performance improvements and technical updates rather than new features.

Notable changes included the Apple File System, Metal 2, support for HEVC and HEIF, and updatesto Photos, Mail, Safari, Notes, and Siri.

So that’s it guys, I hope you enjoyed thisHistory of Mac OS X.

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